Body Rubs And Much More! Disease Free, Fun. Mutual Fun. Private, Safe. - 40

Posted : Sunday, January 12, 2025 11:23 AM | 5 views

Hello Gentlemen. Please allow me to introduce myself to you and to describe my services to you. My name is Tracy. I am 40 years and I am a business professional. I love to meet new people and see new places. Please read my entire ad before calling me so you know what to expect!! I hope to explain exactly what I offer in this posting so there is no confusion when you meet me. If you are not able to read this entire ad, then I probably am not going to be a good match for you! I am able to write this much and I am looking for a gentleman who is at least able to read this much! I think my photos show me just as I am. I am somewhat tall at 5'9". I am an excellent conversationalist and can hold my own with most people. Much of this comes from my educational background -- 2 Master's Degrees. Perhaps one of my most important qualities is my love of meeting new friends! My excitement is contagious and you’ll soon join me in a world of excitement and fun. Please let me explain why I think I might be a good companion for you. First, I am beautiful and I have a perfect body. I have unblemished, perfect skin – silky smooth, wonderful to the touch. If you want to spend time with a woman, you might as well spend it with a beautiful woman with a great body and flawless skin! Second, I am 40 years of age. You are probably in my age range, perhaps older than I am. You already know the issues with most older women: they have secret agendas, they are overweight, they have medical issues, they are in menopause, they have a negative attitude toward men, they are too bossy, they are self-absorbed, etc. And you already know the issues with most younger women: they have no interest in an older man as a person, but rather only as a wallet carrier. Many are on drugs or booze and see you only when they are stoned. They are in a great rush to collect money then get you out of the door as quickly as possible, often in 10 minutes for a 1 hour session. Third, I have a great body and plenty of energy. I can keep up with you. No creaky knees, no arthritis, no whining and complaining!! Fourth, I am completely “normal” – no issues with alcohol, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, mental issues, spiritual issues; no hang-ups! No drugs for depression, cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, etc.!! And I am healthy! No middle-aged diseases, no diseases of any age! Fifth, I have a great attitude. I want to join you for a fun adventure that we will both enjoy immensely! Sixth, you can have a great time without feeling guilty afterward. You can return home with a clear conscience and with absolutely no possibility of taking home some strange disease! About my services: I am posting in the Body Rub Section because I am offering body rub services. Many of you gentlemen have seen service providers before. Some service providers advertise in the Body Rub Section but also provide escort services; I am one of those!! I provide great body rub services, but sometimes in the heat of the moment you may want escort services, so I offer those too. About My Body Rubs: I have been professionally trained in the art and science of body rubs. Professional training involves purely therapeutic touches. The Body Rub Section of Backpage offers body rubs that go way beyond that, into the realms of sensuous touches. I provide both types of body rubs, starting with 100% coverage of your body with the former followed by 100% coverage of your body with the latter. Let me describe both to you. I would like to start our time together by spending about 10 to 15 minutes on the sofa. First we get to know each other a little bit. I learn about you, you learn about me. Then I will describe what we are going to do together in great detail, as noted below. Great communication is a must for a great body rub! A professional body rub in today’s world starts with you on your back facing the ceiling! From this position, I can reach a large portion of your body. I start with the muscles on the back of your neck, move to the muscles at the front of your neck. Then I move on to your scalp area using two techniques – the spread palm technique followed by the fingertip technique. Tell me which technique you like better, and I’ll use that technique. Then I move on to your face. For me personally, the face is one of the most exciting areas of the body. I will of course hit the two traditional pressure points that professionals hit – your temples, and the insides of the bridge of your nose. I will use the spread palm technique on the muscle group that is the strongest muscle of your body ounce by ounce – namely, your jaw muscles. Then I will lovingly caress two areas of your body that I will love to have rubbed when you rub me – your lips and your ears! Not because they have sore muscles – they don’t! But because it feels so sensuously wonderful! I’ll ask you as we go along what feels best to you! On to your arms and hands. First I’ll stretch out your full arm, then take care of your upper arm, your lower arm, then your hands and fingers. Are you a lawyer, a doctor, an accountant, a banker, a realtor, a finance guru? Chances are pretty good your arm muscles are not really sore! Are you a roofer, a carpenter, a laborer? Then the chances are pretty good your arm muscles are really sore, but then the chances are equally good that you won’t be coming to see me!!! It turns out that only professionals seem to visit service providers!!! I consider myself to be a “hand specialist” – not as a future doctor, but as a body rub specialist!! I particularly love the interlocking finger technique and the ligament technique. I’ll ask what techniques you love the most. When I finish one arm / hand / set of fingers, I move to the other. But my hands will not leave your body during that transition. I will maintain continuity! And I will undertake your second arm / hand / set of fingers exactly as I did the first – I will maintain predictability! Then your leg / feet / toes. Just like the arm / hand / fingers. Predictable. Continuous touching. For the feet, I’ll use the twisted pretzel technique. For you, I have a special treat! And of course, I’ll keep asking you which techniques you love the most. Then your back. But not just your back – the entire backside of your body. I’ll start with your upper back while standing at the top of the table. Yes, by this point I’ll probably be topless (if you have been on top of your game and asked to remove that obstacle) and as I lean down hopefully my B’s will be gently brushing you. Then your lower back. Then the back sides of your legs. On this final sixth stage, I’ll cover the area professionals skip – the upper leg muscles on the back of your legs, ending above the legs, ending half way up the cheeks!! It turns out that the most powerful muscle group in your body happens to end there. To relax these leg muscles fully, we MUST give proper attention to that area of the leg muscles. And that area is inevitably sore for just about 100% of us humans! This is because walking makes that muscles work, which makes it sore. Having that area professional tended is a great luxury that you won’t want to miss! So of course I’ll hit that area of your body properly! At that stage, the first part comes to an end and the second part starts. That is to say, the professional yields to the sensual. Let’s recover 100% of your body with a body scratch, then recover 100% of your body with gentle feather touches. The first part of the session should have relaxed every bit of your body’s muscles. Now it is time to tease the sense of feeling and arouse the prurient interest! Do you like to have your back scratched? EVERYONE DOES! But have you ever had 100% of your entire body scratched? It is an altogether satisfying event! And have you ever had 100% of your entire body lovingly caressed with touches that are as light as a feather? The sensation will send you into an erotic orbit of pleasure all by itself. That sets up the MAIN EVENT. By now you have already had the greatest body rub of your life!! Now comes the part that has been the focus of all this pre-climax activity. The end comes. If you use your right hand when you pleasure yourself, then I’ll use my right hand standing at your right side. I will try to do as you would do unto yourself! After all that excitement, I’ll continue your sensory stimulation by using hot towels to clean you a bit. Has anyone ever lovingly tended you with hot towels? It is the fitting capstone to a fabulous body rub / great climax session! Would a shower be a good idea? Feel free to enjoy a shower when we are done – or not! Your choice. Then, let’s sit on the couch for a few minutes and wind down. Let’s be best friends that see each other regularly! Or will you decide after a while that you have revived for a second round? My ideas on timing look like this. You are coming for a 2 hour session. Let’s spend about 15 minutes on the couch, 60 full minutes on the table for the muscle-relaxing type of "massage-like" portion, then 15 minutes on the scratching session, 15 minutes on the gentle touches session, and then the ending -- body rub ending or escort ending, then the shower, then the couch. Basically a long session! By the way, I might not have mentioned that I do indeed follow as an approximate guide the modern system of dividing the body into 6 parts (1. Neck and higher. 2. Left arm / hand / fingers. 3. Right arm / hand / fingers. 4. Left leg / foot / toes. 5 Right leg / foot / toes. 6. Back side. However, I will adjust my session to fit your likes and dislikes. When I am on the table for 2 hours, I like more than a full hour on just my upper back!! Here is a little-known secret. Many gals are “clock watchers” who can’t wait to get you out the door, often in 10 to 15 minutes. Other gals are “clock watchers” who will kick you out the door at about the 50 minute mark because they have another appointment coming exactly 1 hour after your time started. Yet other gals are “clock watchers” who will kick you out at precisely the 59th minute – feeling you got an hour. I am a different kind of “clock watcher”. I watch the clock continuously so I know when to move from one section to another. I look at the clock about like this: For each full 60 minutes (1 full hour) on the table of the muscle-relaxing session, I divide the body into 6 parts and monitor our time as follows. [Keep in mind you must multiply these numbers by 2 for a 2-hour session or by 3 for a 3-hour session.] First, 2 minutes on the upper neck muscles, 2 minutes on the scalp, 5 minutes on the face, 1 minute to “summarize” that portion session. (10 minutes elapsed) Then, 2 minutes on the upper left arm, 2 minutes on the lower left arm, 5 minutes on the left hand, 1 minute to “summarize” that portion of the session. (10 additional minutes elapsed, total 20 minutes) Then, 2 minutes on the upper right arm, 2 minutes on the lower right arm, 5 minutes on the right hand, 1 minute to “summarize” that portion of the session. (10 additional minutes elapsed, total 30 minutes) Then, 2 minutes on the upper left leg, 2 minutes on the lower left leg, 5 minutes on the left foot, 1 minute to “summarize” that portion of the session. (10 additional minutes elapsed, total 40 minutes) Then, 2 minutes on the upper right leg, 2 minutes on the lower right leg, 5 minutes on the right foot, 1 minute to “summarize” that portion of the session. (10 additional minutes elapsed, total 50 minutes) Then, 2 minutes on the upper back, 2 minutes on the lower back, 2 minutes on the legs, 2 minutes on the upper leg muscle connections, 1 minute on the butt muscles, and 1 minute to “summarize” that portion of the session. (10 additional minutes elapsed, total 60 minutes) That makes for about 26 separate “mini-sessions”. That sounds a bit compulsive, doesn’t it? But guess what? That means that I follow a precise schedule, a precise routine. Have you been watching the Olympics? All the athletes are obsessed with time!!!!!!! They are precise. They are exact. So am I. I am flexible!! If you want more time on the hands with less on the feet, I’ll adjust the times. I personally would opt for 50 minutes on the upper back with 10 minutes for the rest of the body! Perhaps you would like to spend some of the table time touching me the ways I touched you. Perhaps you will want to put me on the table for some of the time. Would you like to divide each 60-minute block into 2 parts: perhaps 45 minutes you on the table, 15 minutes me on the table? I will enjoy every minute of that! (But no penetration of my private areas, please.) Here is a little secret that you may have noticed. Many body rub specialists are a bit “helter-skelter” – they go back and forth from one area to another with no clear pattern. They have no system. They just touch randomly. They don’t set time limits for particular areas. As a result, they give a “complete body rub” in about 10 minutes! Of course, anyone could do that! But the result is not pleasing. It is unsettling. It is not satisfying. My system makes the time go by very, very quickly. One hour on the table will fly by very, very quickly. Two hours on the table will fly by quickly. Three hours on the table – nice! I am absolutely certain that if we stick to my ideas, you will have a wonderful time and there will be no chance of me becoming and no chance of either of us spreading any social spread diseases from one to the other. I am a 100% safe body rub provider!! You will not contract any socially spread diseases from me!! But you are extremely likely to have the greatest body rub thrills you’ll ever have! SUMMARY: 1 HOUR SESSION OF MUSCLE-RELAXING, THERAPEUTIC-TYPE, MASSAGE-LIKE SESSIONS: [Remember, you can alter the times per section] 2 minutes on the upper neck muscles, 2 minutes on the scalp, 5 minutes on the face, 1 minute to “summarize” that portion session. (10 minutes elapsed) 2 minutes on the upper left arm, 2 minutes on the lower left arm, 5 minutes on the left hand, 1 minute to “summarize” that portion of the session. (10 minutes elapsed, total 20 minutes) 2 minutes on the upper right arm, 2 minutes on the lower right arm, 5 minutes on the right hand, 1 minute to “summarize” that portion of the session. (10 minutes elapsed, total 30 minutes) 2 minutes on the upper left leg, 2 minutes on the lower left leg, 5 minutes on the left foot, 1 minute to “summarize” that portion of the session. (10 minutes elapsed, total 40 minutes) 2 minutes on the upper right leg, 2 minutes on the lower right leg, 5 minutes on the right foot, 1 minute to “summarize” that portion of the session. (10 minutes elapsed, total 50 minutes) 2 minutes on the upper back, 2 minutes on the lower back, 2 minutes on the legs, 2 minutes on the upper leg muscle connections, 1 minute on the butt muscles, 1 minute to “summarize” that portion of the session. (10 minutes elapsed, total 60 minutes) After that 60 minute session of near-therapeutic touching, let's go to the sensuous touching, which looks like this: 15 minutes of gentle scratching, as follows: 2.5 minutes of gentle scratching on the back of the neck and above, 2.5 minutes of gentle scratching on the left arm and hand and fingers, 2.5 minutes of gentle scratching on the right arm and hand and fingers, 2.5 minutes of gentle scratching on the left leg and foot and toes, 2.5 minutes of gentle scratching on the right leg and foot and toes, 2.5 minutes of gentle scratching on the back and butt and legs. And then 15 minutes of super gentle touching, as follows: 2.5 minutes of super gentle touching on the back of the neck and above, 2.5 minutes of super gentle touching on the left arm and hand and fingers, 2.5 minutes of super gentle touching on the right arm and hand and fingers, 2.5 minutes of super gentle touching on the left leg and foot and toes, 2.5 minutes of super gentle touching on the right leg and foot and toes, 2.5 minutes of super gentle touching on the back and butt and legs. AND THEN FOR THE GRAND FINALE! NO DESCRIPTION NEEDED! But I know that you have your own special way of pleasing yourself and you would receive the greatest pleasure if I imitated that way precisely. So I will ask you questions! If you only use your right hand, you will want me to only use my right hand – and my right hand must come from the same direction and location as your own right hand would be coming. If you use upward motions, you will want me to use upward motions! If you use a twisting motion, you will want me to use a twisting motion. Every man has his own special way of pleasing himself. Every woman has her own special way of pleasing herself. Every one does. You do. I do. We all do. We all want it done our way. That requires an exchange of information. If you really want the restaurant to prepare your meal the exact way you want it prepared, you will need to exchange that information with the server. They can not guess what you want and they do not have any special ESP powers. It is the same between you and I: an exchange of information is the best way to get THE GRAND FINALE done the way you want THE GRAND FINALE to get done. I love the fabulous excitement of going to watch fireworks. And of course the highlight is always THE GRAND FINALE. The explosions are so powerful they rock the ground! But seeing THE GRAND FINALE all by itself without the events that lead up to it would not be the same. Even with fireworks, the events that lead up to THE GRAND FINALE are what make THE GRAND FINALE even better! We have all the foreshadowing of a classic Shakespearian play. And we know exactly what is coming, yet the suspense and drama leading up to the climax keep us on the edge! Shakespeare toys with us. He plays with our emotions. He brings us up and down at will. He teases us. I follow his example. I imitate the things he does. AND I LOVE TO TEASE! I can tease almost to a torture! BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! A hot towel compress! Perhaps the use of a hair dryer to dry off after? Or a dry towel? Would you like a shower? Maybe a few minutes on the couch to wind down and digest just what happened to you! And then time to reenter the real world once again. DONATIONS: 1 Hour of Body Rubs: $200 1 Hour of Body Rubs and Escort Services: $300 2 Hours of Body Rubs: $350 2 Hours of Body Rubs and Escort Services: $450 Reach me by email at: waxing craigslist,asian massage palm beach gardens,massagefinder boca raton,okinawa erotic massage,mobile massage palm beach,sensial massage near me,rubmaps west palm beach,garden sensation lake worth beach,craigslist personals west palm beach,erotic messages near me
  • Post ID : 5028829
  • Poster's age : 21
  • City : West Palm Beach
  • Address : Ft Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, Coconut Creek off Sample Road