Thu 02 Jan
* SWEET × * PETITE * ((* E*B*O*N*Y**)) * TREAT * --- {Sexy PlaYmaTe} * ====> - 19
(WEST PALM BEACH (incalls/outcalls))
sweet and peitite *~Guaranteed cutie with a booty~* $PECIALS!!! - 21
(West Palm Beach, incalls only @ my private place in WPB)
💋 NEW SEXY BLONDE ✌450 south Military Trail✧ Avαiℓαbℓe➜ ⓝⓞⓦ 😘 - 26
(450 South military Trail West Palm Beach, West Palm Beach)
NaUgHtY LiTtLe SoUtHeRn GIRL Needs to Be NakED! NEW BrUnNeTt....W0W AVAilAblE ALL NiGhT!! - 24
Double Pleasure! Sexy,blue~eyed, brunette and/or new to BP smoking hot blonde. new pictures ! ! ! - 32
(West Palm Beach, W.P.B., P.B.G., Boynton Beach, Boca)
Blondes have MORE fun:** I am the ULTIMATE Satisfaction** Real N Experience** - 34
(West Palm Beach)