Sun 12 Jan
GORGEOUS ~~ SEXY ~~ HOT ~ not the girl next door $100 SPECIAL REAL PIC - 38
Get NAKED Mature Beautiful BUSTY Sexy NUDIST Escort RolePlay & Fetish Private Ft Lauderdale,Miami,Fl - 38
(Ft Lauderdale, Miami, West Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale/Miami/Boca/W Palm Beach)
Sat 11 Jan
Go SKINNY Dipping w Mature Beautiful BUSTY Sexy NUDIST Lifestyle Escort & Fetish Independent Escort - 36
(West Palm Beach, West Palm Beach/Boca/Fort Lauderdale/WPB)
GORGEOUS S~~ E~~ X ~~Y & H ~~ O ~~T $100 special 100% real pic ind. - 39
(West Palm Beach, private home East Boynton safe & clean)
Brand New -- Super Long Legs, Sparkling Attitude, Great Body - 40
(Ft Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton)
♥♥♥ Asian style have more fun ♥♥♥( Private incall )♥ 100% guarantee real ♥♥♥ - 26
(West Palm Beach, Lake worth incalls♥ 10th ave & congress)
< < < < < ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ FUN TUESDAYS ;-) - - - ;-) - - - ;-) - - - ;-) All Day All Night - 23
(West Palm Beach, Boynton Beach Incall/Outcall)
LUNCH SPECIAL ♥ DINNER SPECIAL ♥ HAPPY HOUR SPECIAL♥ 24/7 incalls Available now 100% guarantee real - 30
(West Palm Beach, Lake worth incalls 10th ave & congress)
LUNCH SPECIAL ♥ DINNER SPECIAL ♥ HAPPY HOUR SPECIAL♥ 24/7 incalls Available now 100% guarantee real - 30
(West Palm Beach, Lake worth incalls 10th ave & congress)
*** {{ FLaWLeSS BeAuTY }} ***__ *S __ E __ X __ X __ X __ Y*__ *** {{ UpsCaLe CoMpaNiOn }} *** - 23
(Ft. Lauderdale Broward Incalls / Outcall)
> > > > HOTTIE at PLAY . . . . . Beware! EXTREME FUN ahead - 23
(West Palm Beach, Boynton Beach Incall/Outcall)
>>> S ~~ E ~~ X ~~Y & H ~~ O ~~ T >>> $100 special ind. - 39
(West Palm Beach, private home East Boynton safe & clean)
*Hi GuYs SaY HeLLo To Your #1 SpEcIaLiSt (AMANDA) HeRe To FuLFiLL YoUr EvErY NeeD* - 22
(City of Ft. Lauderdale, Coconut Grove, Coral Springs, Deerfield, Downtown, FLORIDA IN/OUT, Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood, Homestead, Miami, Pompano, West Palm Beach)
💋💋💋Hey gentlemen this is China coming relax with a thick Peruvian 💋💋💋 - 31
(10th ave and haverhill incalls, West Palm Beach)
A Girl Your Own Age, Your Own Size, Your Own Way of Thinking, Your Own High Drive!
(West Palm Beach)
Fri 10 Jan
Would You Like a Ferris Bueller Day Off? With a Beautiful Daytime Playmate Like Me? - 40
(West Palm Beach, South Florida)
There is a Right Way, a Wrong Way, and My Way! My Way: HAVE IT ALL! - 29
(West Palm Beach, Ft Lauderdale, South Florida)
♥♥♥ SUPER TERRIFIC special ♣ DAY/ NIGHT ♥♥♥ 24/7 incalls ( private residence) - 30
(West Palm Beach, AVAILABLE NOW EXIT 64 lakeworth INCALL)
💓MONDAY SPECIAL💓 Young & Independent! Petite & Open minded Dream Girl! - 20
(West Palm Beach, Boynton Beach (My Home))
Go SKINNY Dipping w Mature Beautiful BUSTY Sexy NUDIST Lifestyle Escort & Fetish Independent Escort - 36
(Downtown, Fort Lauderdale/Miami/Boca/W Palm Beach, Ft Lauderdale, Hialeah, Miami, Miami Beach, North, West Palm Beach)
➡➡➡ Good morning gentlemen it is very cold out side come visit me this evening 👈) incalls only ⬅⬅⬅ - 29
(lake worth and Haverhill incalls, West Palm Beach)
COME 4 a QUICK stop 2 see CHINA Specials $60 all 24/7 Private home incalls - 29
(West Palm Beach, 10th ave & congress/ exit 64 incall $100)
< < < < ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The PRETTIEST and MOST FUN you'll find on backpage is RIGHT HERE - 23
(West Palm Beach, Boynton Beach Incall/Outcall)
< : : : : : : : : Start, Continue, or End your day with ME, SLENDER, BUSTY, GORGEOUS Face - 23
(West Palm Beach, Boynton Beach Incall/Outcall)
~~~~S E X Y ~~ H O T ~~ & ~~~ S W E E T $100. special ind 100% real pic - 39
(West Palm Beach, private home East Boynton Beach)
DESIRES FETISHES & MORE $50 $50 $50. Nothing is too Extreeme. Please CALL & Come See Me ...
(MY HOME "clean & comfy")
34-D Busty Blonde Cougar NEW UPSCALE LOCATION 🌹🌹 60 - half hh. 90 - 3/4 120 - full hr. 🌹🌹 - 49
. . . . . . . . . 24 HOUR Service . . . . . . . . . Start, Continue, or End your day WITH ME - 23
(West Palm Beach, Incall Boynton Beach)
NOW AVAILABLE :) FREAKY MARIA FETISH'S 24/7 incalls ( private residence) specials - 30
(West Palm Beach, AVAILABLE NOW EXIT 64 lakeworth INCALL)
YES $40 & $50 .. My ANSWER is ALWAYS Yes. Lock My Tel # in your PHONE - 25
(LOCK MY TEL.# in your PHONE)
RELAX WITH A BEAUTIFUL 36DD BRUNETTE BOMBSHELL • 100% Independent • Not A Spa • Relax With Me Today - 38
(West Palm Beach, AVAILABLE ALL DAY TODAY! 954-652-8617)
Thu 09 Jan
Private🏡 home. discreet location....great 👄. great personality. can come your place too🔥 HOT🔥 - 30
(forest hill and military, West Palm Beach)
WOW !!! GORGEOUS SEXY & SWEET 100% my real pic Ind. - 39
Fun,Sexy,100%Independent NO drama - 30
(City of Ft. Lauderdale, Deerfield, Ft Lauderdale, OUTCALL to you wherever & Incall, West Palm Beach)
Go Skinny Dipping w Mature Beautiful BUSTY Sexy NUDIST Lifestyle Escort & Fetish Ft Lauderdale,WPB - 36
(West Palm Beach, West Palm Beach/Boca/Fort Lauderdale/WPB)
💋💋#1 SEXY HOT & Ready ind. 100% real pic $100 - - 40
(West Palm Beach, West Palm Beach, WEST PALM, BOYNTON, DE)
TWO GIRl Special InCall/OutCall FUN FUN FUN - 23
(West Palm Beach, west Palm Beach Surrounding Area)
💎💎💎💎 Real TIGHT 💞💞 SWeeT & SLiPPeRy 🐱🐱 SExY bUnNy 😻🐱💎💎💎 Arianna💎💎IN OR OUTCALLS - 25
(boca or your place, West Palm Beach)
💋💋💋 Red hair green eyes and sexy thick body china 💋 Wednesday👈 💋💋💋 - 27
(West Palm Beach, lakeworth & Haverhill (private incall❤))
REAL & TRUSTED {*ReD HoT* Brazilian & German Natalie} .... 36DDD's oH My!! - 23
(West Palm Beach, Off 95 & 45th)
new WHITE GIRL & I Have No Restrictions. I Leave @ 11am (561) 275 6146. - 25
(West Palm Beach, My HOME not a hotel)
Hot Milf & Lela/2 Girl Specials / Incalls & Outcalls Available - 45
(West Palm Beach, West Palm Beach/The Acresge)
:) GORGEOUS ~~ SEXY ~~~ HOT ~ VIP Dream Girl 100% REAL PIC - 40
(BOYNTON BEACH Private HOME 5 95, West Palm Beach)
blonde100% PURE WHITE. Booty Booty & all the Fetish U Want + My FREAKY Asian low rates . - 21
(Upscale House not motel)