Thu 02 Jan
~~WE AIM TO PLEASE!~~ Petite, Gorgeous Playmates! TWO For The Price Of ONE! 5 STAR Services! - 19
(West Palm Beach)
*SweeT PetitE PlayThinG? TOP ModeL MondaY >$75 EXPRESS &$25 Off Spec. - 28
°*°* SPECIALS!! SPECIALS!! *°*°cubana & Italiana sexy woman!!!! - 25
(West Palm Beach, West Palm Beach / Boynton Beach/Boca Rat)
/ ** / SWEET HOT aND SEXY BLONDE / ** / aVAILABLE nOW / ** / OUT-CALLS / * * / i'M rEADY! / ** / - 25
(Boca Gardens Wellington Boynton Jupiter, Deerfield, Ft Lauderdale, West Palm Beach)
.......... ......... ........... ........... SWEET JEWISH PRINCESS .......... ............ ...... - 22
S T A C K E D petite new in town ....... We're up all night to get lucky.......O U T C A L S - 25
(outcalls, West Palm Beach)
*S T U N N I N G* Sweetie, I'll Be your N E W ADDICTION * M O N D A Y * N I G H T ** - 23
(off I-95 & Palm Beach Lakes)
ready for jades treasurebox? all kinds of goodies inside. :) - 24
(West Palm Beach, west palm, delray, boca)
*** Ready to Play *** Sexy Sandra *** - 20
(West Palm Beach, outcall outcall outcall outcall outcall)
Mz. Coco Deluxe... 60hhr all day and night!!!! come party with me DELUXE birthday weekend!!!! - 29
(West Palm Beach, 45th street off I 95)
New A$$. $40 Speacial ALL NIGHT until DAYLIGHT I am Well Worth IT. (561) 255 1780 MARIA - 23
(Palm Beach INCALL)
Ms BRICKHOUSE 38DDD w PHaT Juicy @SS.. Can You HaNdLE IT ? Sunday early $80 spcls - 27
(West Palm Beach, PALM BEACH LAKES & 95 (5min frm Airport))
Friday SPECIALS!! Come PLAY With A FREAKY Blonde! Fetishes And Roleplaying Welcomed! - 19
(West Palm Beach)
Brand New and Tons of Fun!, Super Clean, Upscale, Independent, Self-Driven, incall/outcall - 30
(West Palm Beach, In Call Boca; Out Call South Florida)
🔥Beauty, Elegance🔥HOT🔥Model Material🔥KARA🔥Arabian Princess (347)791-4585.Outcalls . - 26
(City of Ft. Lauderdale, Coconut Grove, Coral Gables, Coral Springs, Coral Way, Doral, Downtown, Ft Lauderdale, MIA,BRO,WPB(347)791 4585, Miami, Miami Beach, West Palm Beach)