Mon 27 Jan
NOW Doing OUT Calls FOR an EXCLUSIVE FEW - I am the affluent MAN'S Choice BEAUTIFUL BLUE eyed BLoNDE - 22
(Palm Beach to Dade)
I CATER exclusively to the Affluent - Safe, Clean, UpScale, 4 Star Hotel Beautiful, blue eyed blond - 22
(Palm Beach to Dade)
I CATER exclusively to the Affluent - Safe, Clean, UpScale, 4 Star, Beautiful, BLUE eyed BLONDE - 22
(Palm Beach to Dade)
I CATER exclusively to the Affluent - Beautiful, BLUE eyed BLOND Safe, Clean, UpScale, 4 Star Loca - 22
(Palm Beach to Dade)
CATERING exclusively to the Affluent - Safe, Clean, UpScale, Beautiful, blue eyed blonde - 22
(Palm Beach to Dade)
Beautiful, blue eyed blonde "I CATER exclusively to the Affluent - Safe, Clean, UpScale, 4 Star Loca - 22
(Palm Beach to Dade)
Fri 10 Jan
*5O SPL* my SEXY BODY & Naked Freaky Body Treatments 3 Girls Your Choice. ALL FETISH - 26
(( ALL FETISH) near Airport & I-95)
Thu 09 Jan
CATERING exclusively to the Affluent - Safe, Clean, UpScale, 4 Star Hotel Beautiful, blue eyed blond - 22
(Palm Beach to Dade)
Wed 08 Jan